9.1 miles, 1:16:38, 8:25 pace, Avg HR = 154, Max HR = 169
I’d like to call a bit of attention to a friend. His name is Kevin Smith, also known as Kelvin, and he is a runner. Kevin was the president of my fraternity at LSU, and by all accounts he is a natural leader. In addition to his leadership qualities, he’s a good person. He’s the kind of man you want your sons to be and your daughters to marry. He inspires you to be a better person.
I ran the best race of my short running career with Kevin at my side, on 4/28/2007. Courir de Festival is an annual 5K associated with Festival International in Lafayette. The festival celebrates Louisiana’s Cajun Culture, as well as other cultures across the world. Kevin got off to an early lead, but was in sight as I crossed the first mile marker at 7:07. I think I probably caught up to him at about mile 1.75, and he offered a hearty “hello”. I thought it would be a quick hello/goodbye, but Kevin picked up his pace and stuck by my side the rest of the way.
We hit mile 2 at about 14:42 (7:40), and cranked up the speed a bit at mile 2.5. At this point I was thinking that I could drop Kevin with a strong kick at the end. Kevin carries a couple more pounds around than I do, so I was confident I could get some separation during the home stretch. The only question was when I would begin my kick. Kevin suggested the church, and I returned with an affirmative grunt, if indeed I was able to respond at all. We completed mile 3 with a time of 22:10 (7:28) and the footrace began.
Much to my surprise, I couldn't shake Kevin. But he didn't know that I was saving another gear for the last 50 yards. What I didn't know is that he had one also, and out-kicked me at the end by less than a half second. My time: 23:04.8; His time: 23:04.4.
At the time this race was my PR (personal record), and I exceeded my goal by almost a minute. I consider this my best race because I performed at a level higher than I ever expected. I was able to overcome the urge to succumb to the pain and slow down, and I left everything on the course. My heart rate averaged 162 (85%) and I set the mark for my highest heart rate ever recorded at 191. I ran 66% of the race in zone 5, which is 90+% of the max heart rate. Kevin pushed me to excel through his words and by example, just as he always has.
Kevin is running the Cajun Man Triathlon in Lafayette, LA on Sunday, September 9, and Julie and I will be there to cheer him on. Good luck, Kevin!
Today's run was one of the toughest runs I've ever done, despite the relatively easy pace. The temperature was higher than normal, but I think my problem was dehydration. I slowed dramatically with about 2.5 miles to go, and couldn't pick the pace back up. I started cramping back at the apartment, so I rehydrated and took a vitamin. I'll make sure that doesn't happen again.
8:40, 8:15, 8:10, 8:13, 8:16, 8:26, 8:28, 8:32, 9:02
Week training log
5 years ago
Thanks for the props, I am as ready as I will ever be for my first triathalon. That was a good race that you ran for the festival. Judging by the speeds you have been posting,that is the first and last time that you will see the back of my head crossing the finish line. What you failed to mention is that Julie (Jonathan's wife) smoked us both.
I was re-reading some of the old blogs that I have starred and this one is still on of my favorites. The one and only time I will beat you.
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