Friday, February 15, 2008

Threshold v.4.0

1.00 mile warm up (8:33)
4.01 mile, 26:29, 6:36 pace, Max HR = 178, Avg HR = 169, Cadence = 93
1.01 mile warm down (8:38)

Today's run was a tough one, but then again speed work and threshold runs are never easy for me. And for that matter, I'm not entirely sure there is anything about these types of runs that I enjoy. I'd much rather be taking a leisurely jog enjoying the day, instead of having to push myself every few seconds so I don't perform below my capabilities.

One of the few thoughts that I did have today regarded fear -- specifically the fear of failure as it pertains to life and running. When I line up for a race or a speed workout, I am motivated by the fear that I may not be able to complete the test ahead of me.

For a 20 minute 5k (or a 40 minute 10k) you must run a 6:26 pace (9.32 MPH). The thought of running more than one mile at that speed is scary to me to the point that I can't imagine doing it. But somehow I did do it on Thanksgiving of last year with my 19:18 5k for a 6:13 pace. I believe that allowing fear to motivate you is a positive force, whereas allowing fear to stop you from trying something reduces your quality of life. And for me, not meeting a goal for speed workout or a race isn't a failure unless I failed to give it my best shot. That's why I can be happy with my results even when they are below my pre-workout expectations.

The corny reference in the title, Threshold v.4.0, relates to my threshold pace over four miles, but also due to the fact that I am once again connected to the wireless "grid" after going without a phone for almost a month. It's good to have my iPhone back, and I'm looking forward to running with it and listening to podcasts. Oh yea, and receiving phone calls.

splits: 6:33, 6:42, 6:33, 6:36
52% in Zone 5, 41% in Zone 4
Half Mile Cadence Splits: 95, 95, 94, 94, 93, 92, 91, 89 (clearly my turnover reduced as I fatigued)

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