Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Oswego Run with Kimberly

3.83 miles, 45:16, 11:49 pace
2.25 miles, 16:45, 7:25 pace, Max HR = 146, Avg HR = 158

I'm travelling for work this week. I'm visiting a plant with a co-worker, Kimberly, and we are in Oswego, NY on the shore of Lake Ontario. The weather is fantastic for running (46 degrees) and the season is perfect. The rolling hills are full of trees bursting in all sorts of orange, red and yellow hues. It's such a nice view that it almost makes you forget that you're hitting some pretty challenging hills.

Kimberly and I drove straight in from Syracuse, NY and hit the street for a 45 minute run before dinner. She's a determined, self-made woman with a wonderful husband and two beautiful children who are the center of her life. Her determination shows through in her work ethic and her values. And it was no surprise to me that she hit the streets in the same way she tackles work and life -- like nothing was going to stop her.

And nothing did. We meandered along the river, through downtown, and through the neighborhoods and tackled the hills like we were natives. My favorite part of the run was the quarter mile loop we did around Fort Ontario, where we got to see the sun set as we looked out over Lake Ontario.

After we completed our loop and made it back to the hotel parking lot, I took off for an additional 2.25 miles at a 7:25 pace to stretch out the legs. Today was supposed to be my day for speed work, but I was pressed for time because we had a 5:30 dinner with some people from the plant. So the 7:25 pace was a feeble attempt to stretch out the legs in lieu of a full speed workout.

Running isn't always fun. But today was one of those days that keep you coming back.


Nuke Runner said...

I love Oswego. I got to spend a week up there taking a course at the Nine Mile Point plant.

Jonathan said...

I work for Dynegy, and we have a combined cycle gas peaker plant outside of Oswego that usually gets some action when Nine Mile Point goes offline for maintenance.

I checked out your blog (http://nukerunner.blogspot.com/) and I've come to the conclusion that you must be harnessing some of the restricted elements from work and putting them into your shoes. You're fast!

I was particularly impressed by the 16 hour work shift, followed by a long drive, and then a half marathon just for kicks. I got a chuckle at the cheers you got for being in "first" and then "second".

Keep up the good work . . . and if you're really splitting atoms to propel youself forward, please let me know well in advance of lapping me so I'll know to make way.